Friday, December 29, 2006

New Dawn

Well there is only two days left now until the New Year. The forcast here is for wet weather and high winds until and into the new year so I guess that we arent going to see any snow just yet.

As for the New Year well I guess that that is going to bring a fairly busy time especially with my Scouting and new home.

Scouts are celebrating as Im sure Ive said before there 100th year and therefore we have quite a bit planned especially with the World Scout Jamboree.

As for the new house well hopefully I get the keys for that in the next few weeks so that I can start to decorate and move all my suff in by the beginning of Feb. Im sure to keep you all posted.

Have a great New Year

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Time

Well it is now Christmas day and once again I am back where it all started a year ago, at home with the parents.

This year was a bit more of a trek to get here as I travelled on Friday when the weather had decided that it would continue to place dense fog over the London area stopping all (British Airways) domestic flights travelling out of London Heathrow. Therefore an alternative mode of transport had to be booked and travelled. Instead of the hour long flight (plus the couple of hours travelling and waiting at the airport I had to travel into London and get the train up to Dundee where I was collected and brought home. I arrived safely (even with the illness that I have been suffering from) however and have now had a couple of days to relax before Santa comes, although better go to bed before too long as its nearly 0030 (that's GMT).

As for the fog that was sat over London for just over 3 days well it appears to have arrived here now so hopefully with me still here for another week I have time for it to disperse before I head South again in the New Year.

Well Merry Christmas everyone


Sunday, December 03, 2006

Northern De-lights

Over the past week I have been away to Lapland enjoying the weather inside the artic circle. As you would expect there was some snow however not a great amount only a few inches (it wasnt as cold as I thought either.

One thing however I did see what I went to see and that was some nice Night Lights in the Sky (The Northern Lights) heree are a couple of photos from the week.

Sunrise over the hotel

Me with some Huskeys after a huskey run

Sunset over the town

The Northern Lights.