Thursday, January 08, 2009

Christmas and New Year

Well once again Ive decided to see what I can put up on the blog, I must firstly confess that over the past year I have not been very good at doing this. Im not quite sure why and I dont really have any real excusses, however I will make some.

1) I got into facebook and for a while that took over
2) Over the past 3 months I have been putting together a website, which I am fairly proud of, its not quite finished however Im still awaiting input from others. Have a look see what you think and let me know here ( Ive even managed to make sections of it update live so that it can be fairly up to the minute.
3) Ive attended 2 family weddings this past 6 months.
4) I dont spend a huge amount of the time on the internet unless its at work (where I dont up date this) or for the website above.

Anyway its now a New Year and therefore I think I should try and make a resolution to try and up date this a bit more, mind you not sure if anyone reads it or not (comments please to show that you do).

This year Christmas was a bit different. For the first time in my life (the whole 30 years of it) I spent Christmas day without my mother but instead with my girlfriend and her family (another first). It wasnt as stange as I thought it would be but I appear to have coped and live on.

The weekend before Christmas was a bit busy and actually started on the Thursday with Christmas lunch at work followed on the Friday evening with the works Social Club bash. On the Saturday I spent the evening with some of my mate in Guildford having a few beers. Sunday was spent on the train to Manchester.

On the Monday a stepped foot on an ice rink for the first time in years and I mean years. Scared wasnt the word infact my girlfriend complained that for the whole hour I never smiled at all, I felt that everyone was out to get me and make me fall over. Dont think I did, how I havent a clue. We also went out for some food in Manchesters China Town followed by a trip to see Escape From Africa and it was well worth going to see.

Tuesday we travelled to North Wales to collect Andreas' sister and her two kids to bring them to Manchester for Christmas.

Wednesday was a quiet day followed by some drinking in the evening and the start of a 3 day drinking spree.

Thursday (Christmas day) I made Andrea the most beautiful (and unusual). The omlette contained 2 eggs, 5 strawberries and 50g of salmon (thats for each one), it tasted delicious I recomend it. The opening of the presents then too center stage, Andrea had missed the fact that I had hidden a wrapped wii under her bed so she got to open them and have her breckfast at the same time. My DS was opened later. The day (and night) was then spent at Andreas parents house eating, drinking, opening presents and playing both the DS and wii.

Boxing day was spent at the Panto. All Im going to say is Alladin had exceedingly long legs and a very short skirt on, and the princess wasn't bad either. However Im quite happy with my Andrea. More drinking and wii playing continued well into the night at friends.

The Saturday Andrea spent quite some time shopping so I spent an hour on the driving range and the rest of the time practicing my hand at Wii Sports and Mario Kart.

on the Sunday we headed north to Scotland to see my family.

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