Monday, February 02, 2009

Ground to a halt

Well I think I might just post once a month unless anything really exciting happens. This way I will have a bit more to say and I will manage to update things with a bit more regularity, who knows I might even get into it a bit more.

Well January has now departed and Rabbie Burns was born over 250 years ago, not that I went to a Burns Supper, not a huge fan for Haggis or whisky so dont see the point really. Anyway January was its usual busy self. With New year out of the way it was back to work and the fun that that brought with burst water pipes due to the freezing temps (see earlier post). January for the past few years brings the Bentley Copse Frost Camp, as yet we havent had a frosty one and this year was no exception as the temperature had heated up quite a bit from the previous week. This year Andrea was down for the weekend too so that was good we spent the weekend together working on the campsite. I managed to do my ankle in when I fell over and two weeks later Im still getting some pain in it but for the most part it is healing quite nicely.

Today I have managed to get another Monday off work, it wasnt planned that way it just happened. Last night about 7-10 inches of snow feel, now to many that isnt much however to us here in the UK that is a disasterous amount of snow as the country just colapses. You see we are not geared up for snow regardless of how much warning we get. Im not critisising anyone as that would be unfair but sections of the Motorway were quite bad last night at 9pm only a few hours after the snow had started and sections of roads were closed. Now had these been country roads I could understand but they are the major trunk routes about the countryt that should get priority. Anyway less of the moaning after all I am sat at home watching snowflakes continue to fall out of the sky whilst laughing at people digging their cars out and reving their engines hard so that they can go out somewhere as they have the day off work. As for the outlook its to snow off and on all week with the risk of some rain at some point, Ill be back at work tomorrow Im sure, dont think that I could stand too many days watching day-time TV.
Last nights view when I got home

Had I know that I was going to have the day off I would have stayed up and watched the whole of the Superbowl incidently apparently the steelers won the game.

Off to apply for some jobs and look at somewhere to go on holiday. Might arrange some DIY and watch a movie. Have a good day.

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