Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Ive finally managed to get a photo of myself with dad from New Year that my mum took on her new camera


David and Sarah said...

There's a jolly pair! What's the brew of choice for a father-son toast? I just cracked my first batch of home brew a couple of weeks ago, and it turned out quite well, if I do say so myself.

Stuart said...

Hi Dave

I dont think we tend to have a drink of choice for a toast, dad will be on a pint of Heavy (70 or 80 shilling) mine is a Bud, although I tend to drink 1664 at the moment as its easier to get on draft.

So youve been making your own brew, better not let Graham have any of it just yet. If it tastes like Samual Adams Im afraid that I wont be putting a request into try it, I know that will upset Kt as I know that its one of her favourites but the taste just isnt right.

Hope you are all good, Graham is shooting up and looking more mischievous every day. I would offer like e to Babysit but I feel that my fee would be far too expensive and its a long way to go for one night