Saturday, February 21, 2009

All change

The weather in the UK is slowly springing into spring. Having faced the lowest temperature for a long time in January and then tons of snow just two weeks ago the weather has changed drastically and the temperature is starting to hit double figures. The weather is also matching with the sun beating down all of today, even the flat is celebrating and Ive managed to open the window in the kitchen to allow some form of air flow.

As you will remember from my early posts about my flat and how awful the bathroom looked the day I moved in I am finally starting some more DIY and plan to make a few changes in there. Im not getting rid of the existing suite as that would be too much work I would think, however I have bought some lovely new taps this week and hope to get them fitted one night this week without too much hassle. After that the area around the bath is to be tiled with plain white tiles with a black strip of tiles through it to break up the colour. After that the walls are being repainted with a grey colour (I wanted to keep the blue but the boss has other ideas) probably a light grey but that still has to be determined. After that tile laminate will go down as the flooring which should add a bit of temperature to the floor in the room as well as a contrast in colour (plan to put a grey/black colour in there).

Once that is done it will be the turn of the kitchen to have new worktops, cupboards, tiles and flooring. When that will be Ive not quite worked out but hopefully in the next month or so.

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