Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Time for an Update

Well I must admit Ive not posted anything for a week now and the reason being is that there hasn't been much to post over the past week. As for the end of LOST well there is one thing I can say is that Im still Lost for an answer. How can anyone end a series with more questions to be answered than when you went into the episode, I relise that is a way of gearing me up to watch the second series (which incidently starts in the spring so not too long to wait) but I still dont know what is in the thing in the ground, what will happen to Wark or the other three that were on the boat with him, where are the "others" from or where they got the boat let alone the fuel for it and of course wha will happen to everybody else.

Back in the real world not alot is happening I finally got the results back from my Xrays taken during the first week of December on my ankle for them to say that they couldnt see anything and therefore the results were inconclusive. Im not bothered that that was the result as it means no bones were damaged but it took them a month to send the results to my GP, good job it wasnt urgent.

Scouts started back last week (Im the Leader) with a games night quite successful I feel the boys all seemed to enjoy it and didnt want to stop many of them but time pressed and so they had to end. This week is a wide game so hopefully it should go well. Ive found another new one called Fox and Hound so with the help of some snap sticks we are going to see what happens.

Well better go right up my notes for work before this afternoons meeting and then home (and possibly the gym if this cold is better)

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